Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answers you are looking for, please reach out through our contact page and we will be happy to assist.

General Questions

The Greater Cabarrus Foundation is the community foundation for those who live, pray, and work in Cabarrus County, and those who wish to invest collaboratively in support of the nonprofit agencies which are addressing the greatest challenges in our community.
A community foundation is a tax-exempt public charity that manages a group of funds established by individuals, families, businesses, and organizations. The foundation makes grants from these funds for the long-term benefit of the community.
The foundation was established in 2023 by a group of local leaders and philanthropists who recognized the need for a dedicated organization to support and enhance the community’s well-being.
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in Cabarrus County by providing financial support and resources to nonprofit organizations, community projects, and initiatives that address the county’s most pressing needs.

Community Investment

We define a donor is an individual who provides financial support to one or more nonprofit agencies, while a community investor an individual who provides financial support to one or more nonprofit agencies and is typically interested in results (client outcomes), agency capacity building, and a long-term return on investment.

We appreciate gifts both from donors who wish to remain anonymous or leave the agency capacity building and accountability for client outcomes to us just as much as we value community investors who wish to be more engaged in the community.
Yes, donations to the foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We provide a receipt for all donations for your tax records.

The Greater Cabarrus Foundation offers great flexibility in the kind of fund you establish and in the level of involvement you desire. We offer field of interest funds which are aligned with social determinant issues or other interests. We also provide designated funds for the benefit of one or more specific agencies. Meanwhile, donor-advised funds allow you to be actively involved in deciding how your gift is used. Finally, the Greater Good Society is a permanent fund which supports the annual operations of the foundation. Regardless the level of involvement you choose, you can target your fund to support a particular interest, agency, or cause. Please visit our types of funds page to learn more.

For more information about establishing a fund, contact Cam Cruickshank who will guide you through the process based on your charitable goals.

Minimums can vary by the type of fund you choose to open. For more information about establishing a fund, contact Cam Cruickshank.

A lot of community investors opt to use their family name for their fund. Alternatively, you might prefer a name that reflects the types of initiatives you plan to support, or you could choose a name that helps keep your identity private.
The foundation will notify agencies once per month about gifts that were made by donors and community investors who have not requested to remain anonymous.
Yes. The grantee will be notified of your gift and your wish to remain anonymous. Acknowledgment of gifts from grantees will be forwarded to you through the foundation.
All gifts represent an irrevocable contribution and are not refundable.
The management objective for the Assets is to preserve and enhance its real (inflation-adjusted) value while providing a relatively predictable, stable, and constant stream of earnings to fund Foundation initiatives. The investment objective for the Assets is to attain an average annual real total return (net of investment management fees) of at least 7% over the long term, as measured over rolling five-year periods.

Our Investment Committee works with an independent investment advisor, Mill Capital Management, for investment management and oversight of our portfolio. For details about how funds are invested, contact Cam Cruickshank.

You can engage with us in numerous ways: make an investment, volunteer your time, attend our events, contribute to the What Makes Cabarrus Great blog, become a member of our advisory committees, and help us spread awareness of our initiatives. For detailed opportunities to contribute, please visit our volunteering page.

Capacity Building Through Collaboration

Capacity building refers to the process of strengthening the abilities and resources of nonprofit organizations to enhance their effectiveness, sustainability, and impact. This involves providing support in areas such as leadership development, strategic planning, fundraising, financial management, program development, and technology use. By investing in these areas, foundations help nonprofits improve their infrastructure, increase their ability to deliver services, and achieve their missions more effectively.
Primarily, we provide financial assistance through operational grants to Cabarrus County nonprofit agencies. Secondarily, we also sponsor the Interagency Consulting Services program and the Annual Community Needs Assessment Summit. We are also developing strategic planning consultations, which will help agencies to identify, measure, and collect data on program impact, thereby putting themselves in a better position receive more grants. We also plan to facilitate networking opportunities that allow agencies to collaborate, share best practices, and access new funding sources.

The Greater Cabarrus Foundation sponsors the Annual Community Needs Summit, which is an event where foundations, government, nonprofit agencies, and philanthropists meet to review and consider our community’s greatest needs, and to discuss the funding priorities and foci for various community grant makers. Please see the Annual Community Needs Summit page to learn more.

The Greater Cabarrus Foundation also sponsors and facilitates the Interagency Consulting Services program. Cabarrus County agencies may receive a free one-day organizational review conducted by a three-member team comprised of a board member, an executive leader from another agency, and a Foundation staff member or volunteer. Coaching and other forms of consulting services are also available. Please see the Interagency Consulting Services page to learn more.


Grants awarded through funds at the Greater Cabarrus Foundation must be made to organizations with official 501(c)(3) or similar status. Specific eligibility criteria and application guidelines are available here.

Donor-advised funds allow you to recommend grants at your convenience by submitting a grant recommendation form. We ensure the charity’s nonprofit status and process the gift on your behalf. Our grantmaking programs currently distribute grants annually.

Not currently. However, several other philanthropic organizations in Cabarrus County provide scholarships to deserving students. Please visit the Cabarrus Education Foundation or the Rowan Cabarrus Community College Foundation to learn more.

Absolutely! That is why we are here! Please contact us to learn more!

A diverse committee comprised of community members and foundation staff meticulously reviews grant applications to determine recipients based on the agency’s potential impact and alignment with the priorities identified in the Cabarrus Health Alliance Community Needs Assessment.

Community Needs Assessments

In 1999, the state of N.C. mandated that each county conduct a comprehensive countywide needs assessment.

The Cabarrus Health Alliance (CHA), which is the public health department for Cabarrus County conducts the needs assessment. Please visit the CHA website to learn more.

These surveys aim to identify the major social determinant issues impacting and impeding the quality of life in our county, develop countywide solutions to address these issues, and promote collaborative efforts among government, businesses, citizens, and nonprofits. They include over 1,500 participants from various sectors, including government officials, business leaders, community and civic leaders, families, individuals, nonprofit entities, and recipients of services.

Community needs assessments are conducted every four years. Five reports have been issued in the years 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020.

Cabarrus County residents.

Performing a community needs assessment compiles a prioritized list of social determinant issues and fosters the development of action plans to address them. The findings and plans are submitted to the state of NC and shared with local governments, businesses, civic leaders, nonprofits, and the community at large.

Housing issues in Cabarrus County include homelessness, substandard conditions, and overcrowding. These conditions significantly impact residents’ quality of life and overall well-being.

Food insecurity is another critical issue, with many residents struggling with the quality, quantity, and frequency of their food access. This lack of reliable nutrition affects both physical health and community stability.

Access to health services from prenatal care through the senior years is often hampered by transportation barriers. Comprehensive health services, including medical, dental, and behavioral health, are essential for a healthy community.

Education is crucial, starting with early childhood education and extending through secondary and post-secondary opportunities. Ensuring educational success at all levels promotes personal and community growth.

Employment that provides a living wage is vital for economic stability and upward mobility. Positive outcomes from previous needs assessments include improved transportation, new mental health facilities, and coordinated nonprofit efforts.