The Greater Cabarrus Foundation provides diverse options for donors to contribute and manage their philanthropic goals. Whether you aim to invest now or prefer to make a legacy gift through planned giving, we offer flexible tools and personalized guidance to align with your values and financial priorities.

Invest Now

Investing in our community today can create tangible change for many years to come. Donors can contribute through various avenues, such as cash, securities, and real estate, each offering unique benefits.


Cash contributions are a simple and effective way to support our initiatives. Whether made via check, credit card, or direct cash gifts, these donations provide immediate benefits to our programs. Cash donations are also eligible for a charitable deduction during the year they are made.


Donating securities, including stocks and bonds, can be a tax-smart way to give. By contributing appreciated securities, you may qualify for a tax deduction based on their current market value while avoiding capital gains taxes. We accept publicly traded stocks and can provide details on the transfer process. If you wish to explore gifts involving closely-held stock, please contact us to discuss available options.

real estate

Real estate gifts, whether residential, commercial, or undeveloped land, offer another impactful way to contribute. Subject to our gift acceptance policy, these donations may qualify for a tax deduction based on the property’s full market value and may help you avoid capital gains taxes. Additionally, you can gift real estate while retaining the right to use the property during your lifetime.

Invest Later

Planned giving allows you to ensure your support for the Greater Cabarrus community continues for generations to come.


Including the Foundation in your will or estate plan is a powerful way to make a lasting impact. You can designate a specific amount, asset, or percentage of your estate to the Foundation. These gifts are typically deductible for federal estate tax purposes.

life insurance

Life insurance policies can provide a future gift at a minimal current cost. Fully paid policies you no longer need may be donated, qualifying for an income tax deduction. Alternatively, you can name the Foundation as a beneficiary or continue paying premiums for a partially funded policy, with tax deductions for those payments.

iras and retirement plans

Naming the Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan can reduce potential tax burdens for your heirs while supporting our mission. If you’re 70½ or older, you can make tax-free IRA contributions of up to $100,000 annually, which may count toward your required minimum distribution. You can also designate the Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or similar account to avoid significant taxes on these assets after your lifetime.

charitable remainder trusts

These trusts provide you or your loved ones with income for life or a set period, with the remaining assets donated to the Foundation.

charitable lead trusts

These trusts direct income to the Foundation for a specific term, after which the remaining assets return to your heirs, potentially reducing estate and gift taxes.

By exploring these planned giving strategies with your legal, tax, or financial advisors, you can create a legacy that reflects your values while benefiting the community far into the future.

We welcome the opportunity to partner with you in achieving your philanthropic goals. For more information, please reach out to us.

“With strategic, outcomes-focused philanthropy, the Greater Cabarrus Foundation has the power to transform lives for the many community members of Cabarrus County.”
- Tara Bengle, Ph.D.
CEO and Founder, Terra Dati Consulting